How to Deal with Construction Defects in Arizona

As Arizona’s population continues to grow, more and more consumers are looking into buying a house, even if the home requires repairs. This can be a daunting task, as many people are not familiar with the workmanship standards in Arizona, or the laws concerning construction defects. Unfortunately, many popular contractors are busy and can’t take on new projects. This leaves consumers vulnerable to choosing a contractor who may not meet Arizona’s high standards. It’s important for Arizona consumers to be aware of their rights and be able to identify when a contractor is not meeting the state’s expectations.

Arizona Registrar of Contractors

When dealing with contractors, it is important to consider the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. The AROC is the Arizona State licensing board for all contractors in Arizona, and they enforce workmanship standards for residential construction projects. If you have an issue with a contractor’s work, or are experiencing construction issues, you may wish to file a claim with the AROC. However, you must do so within two years of the completion of the construction work, occupancy, or close of escrow on a new build – whichever event occurs earliest. The AROC also maintains a contractor search tool on its website, so you can make sure you are working with a licensed contractor with a history of solid work. In all, the AROC provides many Arizona consumers with their first induction into how to remedy a construction project gone bad.

Workmanship Standards

When homeowners have construction-related complaints, the most common issue is a violation of workmanlike standards. This term can be confusing, so it’s important to understand what it means. All residential construction work in Arizona is done with an implied warranty that the work is done in a workmanlike manner. This means the contractor must meet certain standards, even if they’re not specifically mentioned in the contract. The Arizona Residential Owner’s Guide (AROC) is a great resource for understanding these standards. In addition, the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. §32-1154) impose requirements on contractors to comply with all plans, specifications, and applicable building codes. If a contractor fails to meet these standards, they may be liable. Keep in mind that whether or not a contractor’s work is done in a workmanlike manner can be ambiguous, so it’s important to review the contract, plans, specifications, and applicable standards with an experienced Arizona construction attorney.

If you have any questions on how best to avoid construction defects, give us a call today! Our expert inspectors would be happy to review your property and offer recommendations.

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